
My most useful + personally revisited resources for all things Utau. Still being added to.

General Utau Resources

Programs and resources to help you with Utau itself.

  • OpenUtau. ...It's the program. Has links to useful add-ons contained as well; the documentation has a number of resampler download links under "Resamplers", and a guide for how to make them work on Mac/Linux.
  • Utau forums. If you can't find an answer on Google, someone here has an answer. Also has a number of other helpful resources.
  • Utau dot info. Tutorials and resources for regular Utau. Much of this site is also applicable to OpenUtau, though.
  • Resampler flags guide. Has a list of flags for a few popular resamplers, and their default values. Some of the resamplers listed are missing info, but it's still useful.
  • Another resampler flag list. Some crossover with the previous one.

Places to get Utauloids

What it says on the tin.

  • Utau Wikidot. Not the best to use as a resource since the search never works, but it still has a directory and tags you can look through.
  • Utau Fandom wiki. Pretty good, but it is a Fandom wiki, so, y'know. But it's more sortable than the wikidot.
  • Bigass list of English Utau recommendations.
  • r/utau mods' recommendations. They've got some really nice ones on here.
  • Utau Sexy. They've got several voicebanks for download here, and all the ones I've used have been very nice.
  • Teto's site. I wouldn't recommend her English vb for beginners, but she is here. ...I think her Japanese bank is okay either way, but I've honestly never used it.
    • Teto English ARPAsing can be downloaded from this video description though. Easier to use, though I've personally still had to input the phonemes by hand.

External Programs, Plug-ins, and Resources

Various tools and resources that are frequently extremely useful in working with Utau, but aren't directly usable with the program. Please note that all plug-ins etc here are for use with DAWs, not OpenUtau.

  • UtaFormix. Converts between vocal synth files.
  • A bunch of songwriting resources. Hasn't been updated for a few years, but remains overall very useful. General songwriting resources, DAWs, plug-ins --- there's a fuck ton here.
  • Musescore. Got a popular song you want to cover but can't find a UST for, and no clue how to transcribe? Musescore can save you. Sometimes niche songs are here too. Credit what you use, and know that quality varies.
  • Kilohearts Essentials. 33 free mixing plug-ins. You need an account, but like. You can always just use 10minutemail and lie when signing up. Pretty good essential plug-ins.
  • Native Instruments free shit. Again, you need an account, but there are literally several hundred digital instruments here, and some plug-ins as well. All for free and to keep. Strongly recommend these.
  • LoudMax. Free and extremely simple audio compresser plug-in.
  • sforzando. Honestly, you've probably already heard of sforzando if it's going to be relevant to you. Soundfont player.


For Utau, general music making, and the places where they overlap.


I would NOT recommend Utau-Synth. We have better options!!! These resources are mostly obsolete in OpenUtau. But if you're insane enoug to use it, I have only two resources for you. ...They're not enough to save you, they're just all I have. They also could prove useful in other Utau usage, somehow, probably...? But I'm not sure how.